Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mini Triathlon!

My friend Emilee signed me up for a mini triathlon without telling me! Oh and she signed me up 2 days before the race! Crazy, right?! 
Little did Emilee know, I don't really know how to swim, like I can swim around and play in water, but I don't know how to swim laps properly and flip when I get to the end of the lap. So Emilee, being the professional swimmer she is, taught me within two days how to swim.
Anyways, the tri was 12 laps swimming, 6 miles on the bike and 1.5 miles running.
Unfortunately, Emilee and I got confused running and went the wrong way. We felt terrible because the guy that was infront of us, that we never passed, ended up finishing after us. Woops. 
So after we grabbed our stuff from the locker room we went back and walked the course. While we were walking, there was a girl struggling to run so we helped encourage her by running with her. Emilee and I think it was meant to be that we messed us so that we could help that girl! :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Just a Little Thought of the Day :)

We all have bad days and you can make someone's day better just by doing a little service. Whether it be smiling at a stranger, holding the door open for someone, or surprising your family member/roommate by doing their dishes, you can make that person's day just a little bit better. I think it is important to realize that everyone is going through something hard in their life. We shouldn't beat each other down, rather we should be bringing each other up. So go ahead and make the effort to stretch those face muscle upwards into a smile, or wait those five seconds to hold the door for someone. It will for sure make their day a little better :)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Holi, International Night, and Easter!

This past weekend was the best! On Friday Nanette, Sierra, Sharlene, and I drive down to Utah to visit Mattie for the Easter weekend. Little did we know that it would turn out to be so freaking awesome!

We started Friday night with some International food from Africa, Japan, and Leatherby's Family Creamery for some ice cream. They were all so good!

On Saturday we colored eggs then went to Zupas(my new favorite place to eat) and the Holi Festival(aka the color festival) and then we finished it off with more international food from India, Himalayan Kitchen, Middle Eastern Crusine and Leatherby's Family Creamery ice cream. That's right, we went to Leatherby's twice in 24 hours. That's how good that place is.

Finally on Sunday was Easter! We woke up and went to church then saw the Great Salt Lake! After that we  went to Mattie's huge family Easter dinner. Then unfortunately had to head back to school. Awesome weekend, right?!?!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Tis' the Season for Stress

Happy end of the semester! Not.

There are only two weeks of school left and I feel like I'm about to explode!

I'm a little more stressed than usual because I lost my school Identity card which allows me to take tests and do other various things on campus. If I don't have that card than I can't take my tests! So naturally  I would lose this card during the two weeks I have nothing but tests to take. Oh joy.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Do A Little Every Day

First off, I know I've been making a post everyday, but I'm sure it will die down soon....maybe. I think I'm just a little excited to have a blog, and there has been so much on my mind lately that I want to tell y'all. Lucky you :)

Secondly, I have had a feeling of something missing in my life and I haven't been able to figure out just what that is. I still don't know what it is, but service has been on my mind a lot so I've decided to do more service. At least one act of service daily, to be exact. I read a quote that said:

"If we all do one random act of kindness daily, we just might set the world in the right direction."
-Michael Kornfeld

I know that I can't completely change the world, but I do know that I can try and do my part to make the world a happier place one act of kindness at a time. We each have our own challenges in life and things that we have to deal with every day that may bring us down. We may look at a person and think, "wow, I wish I had their life, they don't have to go through the things I do." But in reality, they are dealing with something too, they just don't show it like other people do. Knowing that each person has trials makes me want to help them in some way. I know when I am having a rough day, it is the little things that help to cheer me up. For instance, when someone smiles at me or opens the door for me my day is instantly made a little better. Why? Because that person took the time to notice me  and go out of their way to show that they care. Is that not awesome?

So this is kind of a "pay it forward" type thing. I hope that people will see and feel the love that others have for them and be able to pass that on to other people. It would be really awesome if you joined me. Yes YOU. You don't have to, but why not? Why not take that step forward to make the world a better place?

Ideas of acts of kindness:
-Visit a friend.
-Call someone you haven’t talked to for some time.
-Bake goodies for someone.
-Do a household chore for someone.
-Write a letter to a friend or family member.
-Write inspiring quotes on note cards and leave them in places they would be found.
-Pay someone a genuine compliment while making eye contact.
-Pay for person’s meal behind you in a drive thru or in line.
-Invite people over for dinner. 
-Scrape the ice off of someone’s windshield.
-Return a shopping cart. 
-Write a note to someone that is having a bad day.
-Sit next to someone who is sitting alone and get to know them.
-Help someone load or unload groceries.
-Let someone go in front of you in line.
Help your friend with homework.
-Hold the door open for someone.
-Give someone a high five or a hug.
-Smile at a stranger.
-If someone dropped something, pick it up for them.